Overcoming Anxiety with EMO and Star Matrix

I’m working with a young girl aged 20, who has learning difficulties. Let’s call her Chrissy. She’s in a mental health hospital at the moment for support following much family stress.

I had previously worked with Chrissy doing some EMO Energy in Motion on her blocked energy in her body, without knowing the content of her story. With EMO we pay attention to the emotions and feelings in the body. I taught Chrissy how to soften the heaviness in her arms and hands and allow energy to flow through and out of her hands. This transforms emotions. She felt much better, much lighter afterwards.

In this second session Chrissy was in a new hospital, leaving her familiar relationships behind and facing being discharged to a half way house community, again knowing nobody. She was feeling anxious, worried about how her life was going to be without friends as it was difficult for her to make new friends. She was feeling trapped in her room, not able to go out and do things for herself. And on top of this, had received some distressing news of a family member being arrested.

From Shame and Sadness to Acceptance and Compassion

I began to help her release the feelings of shame and upset about her family member, which was felt in her stomach and heart and head. Using EMO this all softened, flowed and released through her body and out leaving Chrissy feeling much better and able to accept what had happened. She even began to feel compassion for the person for what might have lead them up to this crime they had committed.

Dissolving Shields and Barriers and Reconnection

Next we explored her feelings of being trapped in her room and difficulties making new friends. It was a feeling of being inside a bubble when outside of that was acceptance by others. We ‘softened’ the bubble and gradually let energy that was being held back by the barrier to be received. We softened and flowed as it came into her body to help it to flow through and after a few minutes of the same there was no longer any barrier leaving Chrissy feeling more open and connected.

Star Memories to The Rescue

And finally we came to the idea that with her learning disabilities she finds it difficult to make new friends. So I asked ‘was there a time in the past when she remembers having friends, feeling connected and happy?’. Chrissy recalled a memory from school days, out with friends at McDonalds, all eating together. She felt happy then and these positive emotions returned to me as she told the story of this star memory.

We softened and flowed these emotions through the body to amplify the happiness. I asked ‘what do you learn or realise from this memory about yourself?’ Chrissy answered ‘I can make friends, I can feel happy. I’m a nice person and I like making people happy. My disability doesn’t stop me making friends’. ‘And there is the evidence of that fact and reality’ I replied.

Reconnecting To and Embodying Our Real Self

I asked her where the emotions associated with these revelations and insights were in the body. They were in her heart, so we softened and flowed again to amplify and grow these feelings until she really embodied them and feel really happy. Chrissy was not feeling able to go out of her room, do things for herself like make her own meals and was optimistic, excited even, about making new friends at her next home situation.


Chrissy’s feedback: “Thanks for lovely session Sandra Hillawi you have really helped me work through this difficult path and taught me that there are a lot of people out their who care so thanks so much. The best healer ever so glad Caeden introduced me to you be forever grateful for you both.”

As for me, I was delighted and it warmed my heart to help this young person on their difficult journey and make a real difference. I feel so grateful for my years of learning and practising modern energy. It is the gift that keeps on giving.

Sandra Hillawi 11 December 2023

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Published by Sandra

Welcome and enjoy my two poetry websites www.mysongsandpoems.wordpress.com is inspired by events and people in my life My new site www.energistpoems.wordpress.com is poetry emerging from the training courses I run, EMO Energy In Motion, teaching people about emotions energy love and creativity. Thank you for reading.

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