Star Matrix for Anxiety WhatsApp Session

The other day travelling home by train and ferry I had this conversation with a client on whatsapp about her anxiety. I used the Star Matrix approach to find a star memory of power and confidence and helped her access that energy and embody that state. So cool how easily Star Matrix can help. Here’s our chat shared with permission for education and inspiration.

[11.28, 12/12/2023] Client: This morning I took my daughter to the doctor and when I left I drove the car home!!
Sandra Hillawi: In a relaxed way!?
Sandra Hillawi: Well done
Client: not at all. My head was looking for danger, but much better I knew what I could do and kept going.
Sandra Hillawi: So to recognise it as a successful trip and nothing happened… All was actually normal
Sandra Hillawi: Wonder if you can realise that… Evidence… Normal trip
Sandra Hillawi: However good to see what comes up as fears so we can work on that

Client: The thing is more complex because it’s not just the fear of driving, it’s that I can’t be alone anywhere. The fear is if I stay standing in the middle of the street, who comes to help me… in fact I was afraid to come home with the car because I take it away from my husband who is working and if I need something, how does he come to help me hehe my head… but today it didn’t matter to me… there are times when my head thinks about whether something happens to me and it can’t help me instantly. It’s like my husband is my security…
Sandra Hillawi: So we need to build safety of standing alone….
Client: Yes
Sandra Hillawi: Think back to a time where you were alone and you dealt with something by yourself….. Probably alot of memories…. Can you remember one
Client: I am thinking… positive?
Client: Positive?
Sandra Hillawi: Any memory, alone, dealt with a situation

Client: The first thing that came to me was one time when the car’s tire went flat and the tow truck had to come. I went by taxi with my children to the workshop and there waited for the repair and returned.
Sandra Hillawi: Great, so speak that story out loud 1st person present tense
Client: Ok
Sandra Hillawi: What do you feel speaking the story out loud 😊
Client: I feel good, being aware that I can and I feel a tickle in my chest
Sandra Hillawi: OK.. Allow that, let it soften flow grow
Client: 😊

Sandra Hillawi: Now say those things out loud again
Sandra Hillawi: What this means
Client: I want to pick up my husband from work. If the girl is better I’ll go

Client: I want to drive Now
Sandra Hillawi: How does that feel 😊
Client: Better, powerful
Sandra Hillawi: Feel allow soften flow
Client: I feel the Energy by all my body
Sandra Hillawi: Great
Sandra Hillawi: Now what is true for you, what is the wisdom of this…. I am….
Client: I am capable of going and doing whatever I want by myself.
Sandra Hillawi: Great, speak it out loud, feel that in your body
Sandra Hillawi: Allow soften flow
Sandra Hillawi: This is the truth that is inside you, bcz it’s proven, you have the evidence, it happened, you did it
Sandra Hillawi: So how does this impact your day going forwards
Sandra Hillawi: Speak it again, feel it, allow, soften flow
Client: Regain my freedom
Sandra Hillawi: So let me know how that goes today when you pick up your husband 💛
[12:06, 12/12/2023] Client : Thank you😘😘😘

So that was 34 minutes to reach here. Follow up after the test later that day

[15:39, 12/12/2023] Client: Hello! I went alone to look for my husband, even leaving my daughter at home.
I’m singing!! I’m fine!! except when there’s a queue. Above all, I arrive at a roundabout near my house and it seems like I’m going to faint. That’s why I’m afraid of being stuck somewhere and that my husband won’t be able to get there quickly…
Client: But I have done it!!✨✨✨
Sandra Hillawi: Wonderful 🌟🌟🌟👏👏👏

Sandra Hillawi: So…. Let’s explore this fainting thing…. First time to hear this….
Sandra Hillawi: But great progress well done 🌟🌟👏👏🌟🌟🙌🙌
Client: That’s really a symptom of agoraphobia or anxiety.
Sandra Hillawi: Can you remember the first time it happened?
Sandra Hillawi: We need to heal that event

Client: Hi! while I was having a shower and ask to my Energy Mind the first aspect who feel this fear and I believe when I was 24 years old and I was driving by the highway and feel the first panic attack. In this moment I was alone because I had left the relation with the person who is my husband now. I thought that this fear was after my brother died but…
This was earlier

Sandra Hillawi: Yes… Great to find it. Interesting that it was after the absence of your relationship too.
Client: Yes
Sandra Hillawi: But before your brother
Sandra Hillawi: Was it the 1st panic attack ever? So… we can heal this event. Lets do a session for this.

Client: Yes

And so we will schedule another session and I will feedback how that goes too!

Published by Sandra

Welcome and enjoy my two poetry websites is inspired by events and people in my life My new site is poetry emerging from the training courses I run, EMO Energy In Motion, teaching people about emotions energy love and creativity. Thank you for reading.

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