Anna Finkelstein

Sandra, where to start to express gratitude for the support, guidance, facilitation, and love that you share?

I was referred to Sandra by someone I deeply trust. I had her information for about a month before I reached out. You see, when it comes to the deepest matters of the heart I had been a bit guarded when it came to allowing support in. Being a bit stubborn I told myself that I could will my way out of some severe heartache, actually heartbreak that had occurred a few months earlier. While I had experienced the loss of loved ones in many forms, this one hit me in the heart in a way I had never felt before. It brought me to my knees in essence, perhaps maybe even to the ground…the feeling was through my whole body, and spirit. My mind was daily telling me to Will myself up and out but I just was unable. I knew I needed support and guidance and I knew I needed a form of self healing that I had not tried yet. As a Coach, Alchemist, and Energy Healing Practitioner I was having a hard time allowing myself to “feel” broken… what I didn’t understand is that this was a breaking OPEN of sorts.

Enter Sandra Hillawi….

Within 20 minutes of our first private session I knew she was the one to Guide me through this process back to Love. To love and have compassion for all the parts, the heart, the soul and the body too. Sandra has a gift for holding space with Grace, Wisdom, Experience, Spiritual and Soul Connection and the Embodiment of Healing. We have had 6 private sessions and I am looking forward to 6 more. I cannot share more candidly how deeply effective her work is when the heart is receptive to the medicine she shares. If anyone out there is reading this and can resonate with any of the above and is looking for Guidance while navigating through the process of inner alchemy and transformation , know that private sessions with Sandra can be EXTREMELY supportive. Her strength, candor, wisdom, and spirit are of the Light, and she is able to navigate one through the unknown back once more into the Starry Luminosity of Healing and Love.

With immense gratitude and love I thank you Sandra!

-Anna Finkelstein

Published by Sandra

Welcome and enjoy my two poetry websites is inspired by events and people in my life My new site is poetry emerging from the training courses I run, EMO Energy In Motion, teaching people about emotions energy love and creativity. Thank you for reading.